Leutze Studio Renovations

Studio Upgrades

One of the things we are most proud of in our media production courses is providing students with the opportunity to work with state of the art equipment in a professional setting. Over the past several years we’ve had the good fortune of making significant upgrades to our studio and control room facilities. This included a new Soundcraft SI Expression audio board a couple years ago, and new LED studio lights and Hedgehog 4 Lighting Console just this past summer.

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Getting Fancy

Our biggest and most extensive renovation came last year (summer 2018), when we not only replaced all three studio cameras (with professional-grade 4K high definition Canon C-300 Mark II cameras), but also the studio seating and flooring. This was a project that was a long time coming and a major step toward making the Leutze studio a showcase for student productions, guest speakers, and live performances.

Studio Renovations


While it’s fun to brag about all the cool gear and equipment we get to use in the studio – after all, we do have our very own disco ball – what’s most exciting are the opportunities we provide to our students to indulge their creative ambitions. We’re proud of our little studio and hope that our students are too.

-Professor Pernell